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Nutrition Tips: What You Should Eat While On Vacation


A vacation can be devastating to your weight loss, especially if you aren't careful to travel with the right attitudes about food and a willingness to practice both mindfulness and moderation. If you've been counting calories before donning a new bikini or a colorful pair of swim trunks, your vacation probably seems like the perfect time to go on hiatus. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Dieting is not a two-week venture. It is instead, a lifelong commitment to healthy, positive changes that make you look, feel and function far better overall. If you're confused about how to feed your body when heading out of town, take a look at these four things that nutrition experts eat while on vacation.

1. Massive Breakfasts
Regardless of where they happen to be, nutrition experts often adhere to a simple, age-old rule: Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch and a pauper for dinner. This means, load up on calories and fat early on, when you have the greatest opportunity to burn them back off. Eat till your comfortably satisfied mid-day, and avoid going to bed with a bloated and overfull belly. This gives you the chance to splurge without feeling any guilt. It also gives you the motivation to lace up your hiking shoes and take a tour of your destination on foot.

2. Low-Calorie Beverages
Nutrition experts also pay careful attention to how many calories they're drinking. Digging your toes into the sand while sipping your way through countless pina coladas will send you home with a spare tire and plenty of additional pounds to burn off. Some cocktails are high in sugar and others are downright fat-laden. This is also true of specialty coffee drinks, energy drinks, ice teas and sodas. Sip water all throughout the day while being mindful of the fact that even mild dehydration can give you false feelings of hunger. Also, when heading out to the bar, forgo cocktails with a thick, syrupy base and stick to club soda and flavored vodka or have a light beer with a wedge of lemon or lime instead. You can even enjoy a glass of warm, red wine in lieu of a hot, buttered rum when touring areas that are blustery and cold. If you drink too many calories, you'll find yourself well over the recommended daily limit, even before you've actually given your body anything of substance.

3. High-Protein Meals and Snacks
Why do nutrition experts load up on protein while vacationing? Because their workouts never end. Good health requires regular exercise and thus, even if you intend to spend one or more weeks doing little else than lounging on the beach, you still need to make a concerted effort to put your body in motion from time to time. Nutrition experts love active vacations and often go paddle boarding, hiking, surfing, cycling and even dancing with the locals. The best part about working out while traveling is that each of your workouts can be entirely new and incredibly fun. You never have to do the same thing in the same place more than once, if you don't want to. A hearty omelet for breakfast or a grilled peace of salmon at lunch will give you the strength and energy you need to dig into your action-packed itinerary with gusto.

4. Something Indulgent and Fun
Experiencing the local cuisine is an important part of touring any new area and you certainly don't want to miss out just because you're counting calories. Every nutrition expert makes sure to have something indulgent and fun during his or her travels. They key to indulging is to do so in moderation. While you can't have pina coladas every day, you can certainly have one or two on your trip. An easy way to keep your appetite in check and unhealthy food cravings at bay is by packing the Forskolin Dr Oz has been raving about. This product will suppress your appetite and give you the inherent ability to choose foods carefully and to consume them mindfully. Having a good appetite suppressant on hand can mean the difference between choosing a dessert and sampling everything on the dessert cart. Ultimately, you should never feel guilty or deprived while vacationing. The best vacation diet is one that fills and fuels you up while giving you the opportunity to sample the very best of the local fare, without adding pounds to your physique.

Author's bio
Dawn Green
I have always been a writer, it is just that as with a lot of careers, it took some gentle prodding from my intuition before I saw the light and realized this was the path I wanted to be on.

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