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One of the best feelings could be buying a car

One of the best feelings could be buying a car. Who doesn't like the feeling? It is essentially important to take good care of the new care you have just gotten. Here are some tips that can make the care last long and can also be gotten for a good deal of your money. You will get more value from it if you take good care of the car. Now that you have driven your car of the lot, there are a few things to do while you are still "breaking in" your car. Usually this break in period lasts for your first 1,000 miles. You should be careful to not push your engine too hard during this time. Things like driving fast, carrying a heavy load, or even accelerating quickly can all harm your car. Instead switch your car into neutral at red lights, consolidate your driving trips, and avoid potholes. All of these tips will help your car especially in those first 1,000 miles. 
After you are out of your 1,000 mile break in period, there are still some things that you can do to keep your car in its best shape. First of all stay up to date with your dealership and do their recommended tune ups. Only buy gas at reputable stations and avoid a station if you see it being refueled. Also keep a car log. This might seem like ancient advice but it will help you notice any mileage changes.
Taking a trip or plan to not use your car a while? There are a few ways that you can take care of your car if you are going to be gone for extended periods of time. Make sure before you leave that the gas tank is full and you got the car cleaned and waxed. BY doing these things you add a protective shield and you prevent condensation in the gas tank. Also disconnect your battery so that it doesn't drain for any reason while you are gone.
A final way to care for your car is easy. Make sure that it is properly insured. You can research car insurance quotes to find the best prices and compare the coverage. This is one purchase that you will want to make sure and protect.

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