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Receiving transmitter from anonymous Black
'Who are the captive masters?'He asked
Trying to mince my word. 'Sorry?' I asked daffy
'Don't fool me around.' He protested
'Who pollute the nation's garment?' He asked

'This is Three years to Diamond jubilee
And we trade in captivity'
'What has happened to our freedom? Our Democracy?
Have those white ants taken over our room again? Enquired
'Please wince no word, you use Digital unlike my Daguerreotype.' flattered

'No white ant in our room' I answered
'But there are many Black soldier ants, who by all means
Pounce on us' I answered. With agility
'Hm! Who are they?' He asked again.

Can he be a Spy? Is he a bait?
'The captive masters... The captive masters are:

The Crazy Demons who hurt our Democracy
And hover on our wealth
The real tyrant Poor-liticians
Who feed on our economy like beef
They evacuee and ship nation's wealth into their
Private account abroad. One leg in, One leg out
And impoverish their nation
They gush out DemonCrazy to devious their people.
The nonchalant Execu-thieves
Who hoe only their field. And store only in their barn
The corrupted Menace-sters and Legi-slayers
Who all they do is to watch their people starving
Whose all desire s are to budget money for their pleasure.
They travel round the world
Without any reason to build the nation
as that of abroad
The unfaithful See-evilservant
Who receive salary for being a lethargic.
They lock their door and wish to get pay after thirty days.

The Harmed forces who forcefully collect grants on Our road
Having receive five twenty naira,
They wave the armed robbers
They give arm to robbers
And harm the innocents
The Religious looters who pose like a religious leaders
They wink to the corruption that lurks in our closet
And correct not the captive masters.
All they gush out is: may God bless you
Their words are like an honeycomb.
Are you a clergy or an asshole?
Where are the honest pious of faith?
Where are the faithful citizen Cleric?
We are all captive masters
We rain down curse on the nation everyday
We trade in silence market
In which we kill ourselves daily'
'Hm!' He sigh. 'Now I get it... So we are all in it'
'I am mind of a patriot. He concluded.
And hangup the call.
Demon crazy- Democracy
Poor liticians- Politicians
Execu-thieves- Executives
Menace-sters- Ministers
Legi-slayer- Legislature
See-Evil servants- Civil servants
Harmed forces- Armed forces
Religious Looters- Religious Leaders

Written by Wole Samuel

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