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LOVE BEFORE FIRST SIGHT (Do you think this is possible?)

Have you ever wondered how possible it is to fall in love with someone you don’t know –I mean someone you have never seen or heard from?

Most people think it doesn’t make sense falling in love with someone you have never met, even on social media, but those who have experienced this may understand.

“It is normal for us to fall in love, but may be abnormal for us to be in love.” Some people may see this as a baseless quote, but believe me, I have experiences from myself and friends.
Some people claim that love at first sight isn’t real simply because they have never fallen into its trap, or they don’t understand the true concept of love’

While these people argue about the reality of the so called love at first sight, I figured something else out: Love without sight

Each man has a taste; what he likes about opposite sex, and that of one man is different from another. Some guys can’t ever have a relationship with a fat girl, while some totally dislike the thin ones, some admire blacks while some don’t. Seeing people with the shape and description you have always admired in your head for the first time brings about love at first sight, but when you hear someone describing another person with those features you value in opposite sex. You tend to fall in love with them even without ever seen them. This mostly happens when musicians describe their loved ones.

Most people think love is an everlasting feeling, but believe me, love is not an everlasting feeling, but your thoughts are everlasting in as much as you still live; your thoughts may include the imaginations. When people you love does something bad to you, you may never be able to forgive them no matter how hard they beg or how much you loved them, just because you are not thinking of loving them back. Once you start considering loving them back in your thought, the love triggers and you start to believe that love is indefinite. The same thing goes with hatred; believe me, hatred at first sight exists.

When a man have the chance to meet his crush for the first time, and the other party possesses a quality which he detests, but was innocent of maybe bad accent, rotten teeth, mouth odour or the likes, he suddenly has a change of feelings regardless of the ones he had nurtured in his mind. Even the feeling may change to hatred if the second party possesses some intolerable characters.
One of the easiest things to do in life is to fall and to fall out of love, although it may not be easy to keep the relationship moving. You see a guy asking a girl out for a relationship because he is in love with her, but later stops, not because he has giving up on her, but because the feeling is no more as it was. In short, the love is gone. That moment when the love goes may be the same moment the girl starts considering the guy’s request and starts building up her love for her. It may be too late then, which makes both feelings disappear.

If love never dies, no one will fall in love with more than one person in their life time. This is also realized in career selection. Some people were in love with law in the early time of their lives, later they fell in love with art, sometimes the feelings change to engineering and now they are software programmers. Imagine the difference!

This brings me back to the earlier quote “It is normal for us to fall in love, but may be abnormal for us to be in love.” Love at first sight must be real for the fact that love before sight exists.

Written by Ajibade Quazeem

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