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REST (Read for your own benefit)

Sometimes, I think if man can really have rest? Right from childhood, maybe as a baby, I can say there's is little rest. But babies do cry too. In fact, theirs is worse, they can't express themselves when they feel pained or sick. Their only means of communication is 'cry'. So, where is the rest?

As infants, kids would go up and down the house scattering everywhere. The only thing that gives them rest is sleep. But, I don't see sleep as rest because it is nature's call. Going further, the kid is enrolled in a nursery school and tolls that ladder to the primary school. He goes to school five days a week, brings home loads of assignment, weekends are always occupied and church and assalatu programs occupies sundays. For God's sake, where is the rest?

Furthermore, that kid turned boy struggles to pass his o' level examination. But before that, a lot of sleepless night and burning of midnight candles, going to school, writing notes, doing household chores, self realization to socialization, his likes and dislikes, he becomes choosy and territorial because he knows his wits and he is gender sensitive; In the middle of all these, he tries to find a balance, most times not to please himself but to please his parents and on lookers. For crying out loud, where is the rest?

Now, he is faced with certain decisions in his life. He is about to write Jamb but poised on which course to choose, choice of university, cut -off mark etc coupled with how to pass the examination. On passing Jamb, he then realizes he has another hurdle to jump which is post jamb examination. Mixed feelings start to emanate within him and he begins to soliloquize and answer questions like: what if I don't pass, kk! What if I actually pass and not picked for my preferred course, that aside,  what if I pass and not even picked at all, what will be the next thing? As a young fella, he starts to think sporadically with some elements of fear in his mind but takes courage to face the challenge with determination.

Eventually, he is admitted to study his preferred course but faced with a totally different academic structure. He strategizes how to build his passion, pass his courses and graduate within the stipulated time. If you are this guy; congratulations. If not, you start battling carry-overs. You force yourself to develop passion for a course which isn't your choice but doesn't always work out well. Eventually, you also graduate with a pass. Congratulations brother, at least you passed, some dropped out.

The outside world is quite different from the academic world. This boy turned man is new in the Labour market or let me call it favour market. He searches for a job to no avail. Now, what's next? He can't keep on sitting at home eating his mama's food. He has to get a life of his own. He travelled far away from home, did dirty jobs, set up his own business and now he is made. The money and fame has come, now what's next? (If you are not this guy; I mean you graduated and got a job automatically after your youths service in the present day Nigeria, I must say you are lucky or your parents or family members are well connected. Anyways, you are a man too, just on a platter of gold).
He enjoys bachelorhood for some years then his mama starts troubling him to bring a wife home. So he laments, "Gosh! So I am this old". Now, he is married, blessed with kids, more responsibilities,  a job and chain of businesses to cater for etc. He tries to find a balance amidst all those; you tell me where the rest for a man is.

In addition, he is man turned father faced with the challenge of raising his kids well to turn out better than him. Majority of his kids are females which makes it more hard on him. He's almost got an heart attack. He has to be spontaneously vigilant, prayerful and caring. My brother, where is the rest?

Old age has come, he can no longer work. His sons and daughters feed and make some decisions for him. Too much sleep brings him body ache. He feels like turning back the hands of time to mingle with his mates but most of them are gone. Boredom and loneliness is inevitable. He feels it all.

Hmmmm! No rest for a man. You only rest when you die which I still don't believe. Your rest is only sure when your deeds are good on earth. Don't get it twisted, bad people with bad deeds here on earth before they die work in heaven, although I have never been there.

Just do the best you can do, be crazy and do crazy stuffs at times. Go on vacations, eat good food, wear good clothes, do beautiful things you can do now when you still have the power to do them and be remembered for something. Meet people and love them, don't hold grudges. Love your family, honor thy parents and do your best in taking care of them. Not the cow you kill when they're gone will make you receive their blessings but love them when they're still very much around.

"Love me now when I am very much around. Useless are the flowers you put on my grave after I am gone".

Written by: Oyetunde Oluwatunmise Apesinola (FLO)

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