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MY THOUGHTS (Kindly read for your own benefit)

I am sorry to disturb you with my insane but true thoughts again. Biko, you will have to bear with me noni. You all know I am still that child who blabbers nothing more than the truth.

Hmmmm! I begin to wonder why Nigerians can't deviate from the old ways of doing things? We don't want to evolve at all. Are we still Australopitecus Africanus? Even that first ape evolved into what is called man today.
One day, I had nothing to do and I just took a walk around my streets to get inspired ( at least I will have something to write about), then this wonderful idea came to my head. In my streets, the major road has been tarred for the past ten years, now it's weak and needs repair and face-lift.

Then I looked inside various compounds on my streets, most of the ground in these houses are either inter-locked or richly cemented. Some compounds are larger than the size of two plots of land, yet they are nicely interlocked.

Then I begin to wonder why can't the community cooperate and transfer the same idea to our roads? At least on each sides of the road, two houses face each other. If there's enough cooperation and the will to develop our community, all houses facing each other will effectively construct a drainage and interlock each half of the road facing the length or breadth of their plots of lands. Before we know it,the community already has a good network of roads.

At this point, I know a crucial question will be raised and it's already in your mind. The questions are: Where is the money? Are fingers equal? I don't think it's my job to construct roads, after all it's government responsibility?

My answer(s) to these questions is/are simple. Where there is a Will, there's a way. Moreover, out of sight is out of mind. I believe with the help of diligent and truthful community heads and determination on the part of individuals, it's achievable. A try isn't bad.

Secondly, as I was about to enter my close, another thing came to my mind. This One is quite funny but worth sharing anyways. I began to think there are so many graduates in my street wasting away in their parents' house. Some are engineers, economist etc. 

Then I think why can't these people go out and add values to themselves instead of disturbing the internet with job applications and the likes. As an economist, you can join a firm and work for free or stipends. Doing that, you are adding more experience and value to yourself. With no gain saying, you are technically building your CV. Apart that, such firm could hire you if you are good at what you do.

As an agriculturist or florist, it's not too bad if you start collecting flowers both indigenous and foreign. All you need is a backyard of your house. Before you know it, you already have numerous samples to work with. Then offer to beautify and add aesthetic values to the road sides, front of houses etc. By doing so, you are advertising yourself and believe me people will patronize you to help beautify their componds, schools, companies, hotels etc.

I don't believe engineers should search for jobs. We are meant to solve problems. There are numerous problems out there that companies and small medium enterprise are facing. I don't think it's a bad idea if you walk up to a welder or a mechanic on the streets, a company, an SME and make enquiries about the problems they face with their machines or tools, then offer to help or seek solutions. Who knows, by doing that you might be the first person to solve that particular problem, even some multi-national companies might be facing similar problems and then you become a problem solver and solution provider. Job offers and money starts coming in and you are self-made.

Before you guys crucify me on my ideas, please read, digest and sleep over it again. I believe you will subscribe to it.

Written by: Oyetunde Oluwatunmise Apesinola (FLO)

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