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AVIAN FLU (very shocking disease)

Avian flue is a zoonotic viral infection caused by influenza A virus.
It refers to the disease caused by infection with avian(birds).Its also known as bird flu.

Difficult to determine 2-17 days possible,sympyoms usually appear 2-5 days. 

It causes severe disease like  High fever, upper respiratory symptoms,muscol bleeding and gastrointestinal symptoms.patients may deteriorate rapidly.

In term of communicability, Rare cases of person-person transmission,no cases of sustained transmission,fecal shedding and transplacental transmission may occur.

People working with infected poultry should follow good hygiene practices,wear protective clothing, be vaccinated against humanity influenza.prepare food properly,cook chicken and eggs thoroughly,avoid wild bird contact,wash hands.

If a pandemic occurs,Avoid crowded conditions and close contact with other people,consider wearing respirators or other protective equipment,follow good hygiene measures,practice social distancing,quarantine ill individuals and vaccination.

Antiviral drugs like Amantadine, Rimantadine, Zanamivir, Oseltamivir etc should be used for treatment.
It can be prevented and controlled through proper hygiene.


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