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LITTLE BOY by Cuddlewrite

Do you recognise me? That little boy then?
I'm grown now and I walk amongst men
I thought being a man would be fun
All I dreamed of in a flash was gone.

I thought I would be rich and wealthy,
Get married and have two kids very healthy.
I thought it would be in an instant,
Now I realise to get rich hard work is constant.

My palms bruised from years of labour.
Because I kept working my self to stupor.
I never knew the road to adulthood was rough,
Until I took that path, the path meant for the tough.

Now I see a little boy dreamy like me.
Who can't wait to be a man so he can be rich.
He doesn't know that what will be will be.
If he has to work hard or less to be rich.

little boy listen, learn and look
You getting rich might not be so sure
If you keep running through the crannies and nook
Except you start working now, you just might grow up poor.

Cuddlewrites ©

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