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Episode 2: THANK YOU

To my friend...

For the times you never gave up,
For the moments, when I say 'I give up'.
For the ever fustrative me,
Thank you for the persistent you.
Thank you for the shoulder you rendered,
When I was hopeless and vulnerably rendered.
For staying during our silly fight,
Yet, always proclaiming to see in me a light so bright.
Thank you for choosing to see the good in me,
When I say always, 'what good is in me?
Thank you for your listening ears,
For though you felt like giving up over the years.
Thank you friend,
Thank you for been more than a friend.
Much more, for staying when I pushed you away,
For You silently stayed behind the light's ray.
My words may not be sufficient,
For I hope you know my sincerity is not deficient.
Thank you for the lovely memories,
For Your friendship makes beautiful memories.

©Teelite Pen
To those who stay with us in the good and bad times. Those who laugh and cry with us despite the situation, are worthy of been appreciated. Sometimes, your appreciation goes a long way and you might not know. Not all of them are as strong as you think. They only put aside their worries to tend. That's love. It's selfless..
So this is my own little way of saying thank you to everybody who has been by my side in one way or the another. I really appreciate and value you.
What about you beloved? 
Have you appreciated that person?
Let's talk tommorrow...

Writer and Poet

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