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Episode 3: Title: SMILING HOPE

Shimmer, glimmer, flicker of a little hope.
Our smiles conceals the pains.
Whilst our eyes hides the tears.
We look forward to each day,
When hope floods our path and way.
And bless our future with favour and hope.
Just for a glimmer of hope,
Our ears are inclined to hope.
Give us a reason to smile,
For the sadness our eyes portrays.
Give us endless flow of strength,
For the feebleness in our bones.
Make us smile,
When our eyes are full of tears,
When kids and families are torn apart,
When people cried in the streets,
Let hope stay, thou a tiny glimmer.
Let hope try and let our hope be restored.
©Teelite Pen

Be the change that you want to see in your speher of contact.

Episode 4:

I saw the stars,
Hidden behind the veil.
I saw the moon,
Sparsely furnished with light.
I saw the sun,
Dripping wet with oceans of water.
I saw again the earth,
Dancing on two feets.
Then, again I saw dreams,
Been whisked away by night.
For I saw visions,
Coming to realizations.
Yet again, for one thing did I not see,
Those who were in it.
©Teelite Pen

A beautiful morning to us all.
This poem holds almost impossible words which surprisingly is the beautiful of the poem.
The poem could give different meanings but I have specifically culled out a particular meaning.
I relate this poem to us humans, myself included who wait to do things they could have done easily until when it's ALMOST impossible.
Often times than not, we hear the saying, 'make hay while the sun shines' but quite unsual is the saying *'fondle with the hay while the sun shines'
Procastination has won the round a lot of times and has eaten deeply into our system.
Why not read that book now?
Why not get that information/knowledge now?
Why not make that call now?
Why not make that decision now?
Why wait?
Why procastinate?
Do have a blessed day ahead.
I love you.
Let's talk tomorrow.
Do feel free to share.
Teelite Pen
Writer and Poet

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